2023年6月29日 星期四

DraftSight 繪圖軟體要移轉至新電腦

DraftSight 繪圖軟體要移轉至新電腦 



How do I transfer (deactivate) my DraftSight license from one Computer and install it on another?

Step 1:

Start DraftSight and click on Down Arrow beside Help ? at the top right of your DraftSight screen.

Step 2:

Click on Activate DraftSight and take note of your DraftSight Serial Number.  You will need this. Just click on cancel once you’ve got the details.

A full description of this process is available in the DraftSight Community in this Wiki post:


If the link does not direct you to the post, copy and paste the link into your web-browser address bar.

另外可參考DraftSight FAQ

