2016年7月26日 星期二


刀模 Die Cut
刀模線 Die Line
平版印刷 Lithography/Offset Press
燙金 Bronzing
彩色平版印刷 Chromolithography
裱浪 Flute Laminating
塗料紙 Coated Paper
糊盒 Box pasting
非塗佈紙 Non-coated paper
上光 varnishing
卡紙 Cardboard
加工 Converting
瓦稜紙 Corrugated Board
銅版紙 Copper plate paper
局部上光 Spot Varnish
銅西卡紙 Coated ivory board
模造道林紙 Wood free paper
亮面/金油 Glossy
灰銅卡紙 Coated duplex board with grey back
霧面/消光 Matte
白銅卡紙 Coated duplex board with grey back v 上光霧P Matte PP /PP Coating
牛皮紙 Kraft paper
上光亮P Poly Propylene Coating
合成紙 Polylith Synthetic Paper
芯紙 corrugating medium
基重 Basis Weight/Grammage/gsm
令重 Ream Weight / Substance
底片 Film
原生紙漿 Virgin Pulp
版 plate
回收紙漿 Recycle Pulp

refer to : http://www.proprinting.com.tw/know_trans.html

